Empowering women to active European Citizenship

participants teilnehmerinnen

Jelena Kalinichenko, Latvia/Lettland

Jelena Kalinichenko(1962) was born in Belarus , finished secondary school and was graduated in Riga Aviation University as an economist. (1984).

She was engaged in participate in activities of National Coordination Unit of European Women's Lobby. The Resource Centre MARTA (http://www.marta.lv) is the National Coordination Unit. Jelena participates as a project assistant in reducing social and ethnic tensions, supporting and fostering activities for women and promoting the integration of unemployed and impoverished women into society and fostering the formation of a cooperative network between women's organizations in Latvia (Social Democratic Worker Party of Latvia and with the Byelorussian Association of Baltics.)

During the studies in the Higher School of Social work and Social Pedagogics "Attistiba " (2000-2001) she participated in women's social programs. In 1999 she organized The international conference, the goal of which was the exchange of experience in modern condition of market.

She prefers cooperating with women of different parties, nationalities and who are representing different countries.

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