Empowering women to active European Citizenship

participants teilnehmerinnen

Elisabeth Raiser, Switzerland/Schweiz

PHD in history, is since 1986 engaged in educational projects on a national and an international level. As copresident of the Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women she organised and moderated several European seminars for women between 1990 and 1994. Until this year she was codirector of the European Womens College in Zürich, with a special emphasis on the history of women's movements in Europe and on human rights - women's rights.
Between 1993 and 2001 she organised, together with Reinhild Traitler and an international team, every second year a European Women's Summer academy in Boldern. In 2003 she was the protestant president of the Ecumenical Kirchentag in Berlin with its many conferences, panels and forums on European issues.

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