Empowering women to active European Citizenship

participants teilnehmerinnen

Eva Klawatsch-Treitl, Austria/Österreich

Eva Klawatsch-Treitl (36); Academic Education: Business Education at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (to become a teacher for business administration and economics or to work especially in the field education in enterprises); Coordinator of the WIDE-Working-Group "Women and Economy" and the association Joan Robinson - Verein zu Förderung frauengerechter Verteilung Ökonomischen Wissens (Association for the promotion of women just distribution of economic knowledge) Adult Education - especially in the field of economic literacy and intercultural learning. Chairperson of Dreikönigsaktion der Katholischen Jungschar Österreichs (the development agency of an Austrian Childrens Movement).

The aim of our work (WIDE, Joan Robinson) on economic literacy is to empower women especially in the economic sense. Women know a lot about economy - they are responsible for many affairs. But very often this knowledge isn't appreciated as it should. We have a wide and political approach on economy. We ask whether and how economy can contribute to a "good life" of all people and be responsible to the nature. Therefore we see that women as experts an various economic issues. Women can and should be active citizenships. Women can empower themselves and influence politics. Some economic basic knowledge can help to the experiences in a new and political way.

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