1) Who was the first woman to formulate women’s rights?
Sorry ... Try again!
Gender Mainstreaming is a political tool to
reach a better balance between women and men on all levels of society.
This famous declaration was adopted by the first US women’s congress
in Seneca Falls. It included a negative list of “repeated injuries and
usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment
of absolute tyranny over her.”
It influenced the international women’s discussion on the rights of
women as human rights in the US and in Europe.
In 1979, the year of the CEDAW, the right of women to be protected against
violence was not yet considered to belong to the public sphere where the state
could interfere. Violence against women was interpreted as a merely private
issue. It was only in 1993 at the UN conference on Human Rights in Vienna
that the many women NGOs which attended succeeded in having violence against
women recognized as a violation of their human rights. The United Nations
General Assembly adopted on 20 December 1993 the Declaration on the Elimination
of Violence against Women.
Hedwig Dohm argued that women and men are different, but both sexes are human
beings and insofar as men and women have to be protected in their personal
dignity by the respect of their common human rights. This is why she labelled
the sentence “Human rights have no gender” in her book “Der
Frauen Natur und Recht” (1876)
This chapter in the Platform for Action was a breakthrough in the international
women’s debate on human rights, and the slogan Women’s rights
are human rights mobilized hundreds of women’s organisations in all
countries to rally together at the Beijing conference.
The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms was adopted in 1950 by the European Council and completed by additional
protocols, particularly by the European Social Charter (1961) which enshrines
economic, social and cultural rights. Individuals can call upon the European
Court for Human Rights which has come to some major decisions on women’s
issues in recent years.
Iris Marion Young published the book in 2000 (Oxford University Press). She
is presently professor for Political Science at Chicago University and has
written several important books on feminist philosophy and social theory.
She is affiliated to the Gender Studies Center and the Human Rights Program
of Chicago University.
Olympe de Gouges formulated in 1791 the Declaration of Rights of Women and
Women Citizens, in which she requested the same citizen rights for women as
had been formulated for men in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
of the French Revolution. She became famous for her saying: since a woman
has the right to mount the scaffold, she has to have also the right to speak
in public.
2) What is the “Declaration of Sentiments” of 1848?
A declaration on the importance of romantic feelings by some famous women
writers in Great Britain
A declaration of solidarity of an international women’s conference in
Den Haag on the aims of the revolutionary assembly of the Paulskirche in Frankfurt
in March 1848
A declaration, adopted at the first U.S. Women’s Congress in Seneca
Falls, on basic human rights.
Halina Bendkowski, for many years engaged in
the women’s peace movement and an activist for more justice for women
created the term in the mid 90s of the 20th century. It was then taken up
by Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Green party in Germany.
(2,3 are correct) Total harmony is not really
desirable, but the creation of democratic relations between women and men
is an important goal. The vision of Gender Democracy tries to overcome the
bipolarity of man/woman.
Without the empowerment of women Gender Democracy
cannot be reached – but this is not a question of chronology, but rather
a parallel process.
All three
answers are valid.
3) CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women) is a basic UN document on women’s rights. Nevertheless, one important issue is missing. Which one is it?
The right of women to get the same education as men
The right of women to be protected against any form of violence against them
The right to equal payment for equal work
4) “Human rights have no gender” is an important slogan of the women’s movement. Who is the author and what does it stand for?
Hedwig Dohm (Germany), women’s rights activist in the 19th century,
fighting for the equality of rights of women and men in her book “Der
Frauen Natur und Recht” (1876)
Olympe de Gouges (France), stating the universality of human rights in her
famous “Declaration of the rights of women and women citizens”
in 1791
Margaret Thatcher, 1990, in a speech before the UN General Assembly against
the theory of sexual difference as stated by the Diotima group in Milan
5) “Women’s rights are Human rights” is a slogan which mobilized the international women’s movement in the 20th century. The heading of one chapter in a basic UN document is called Human Rights of Women. Which one is it?
UN Declaration of Human rights 1948
Final document of UN Human rights conference in Vienna 1993
UN Women’s conference in Beijing, 1995: Platform for Action.
6) The European Convention of Human Rights has influenced the human rights debate in Europe during the last 5 decades. Where does it originate? From:
The Council of Europe in Strasbourg
The European Union in Brussels
Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Paris
8) What is the difference between Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Democracy?
Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Democracy are complementary in the sense that
Gender Mainstreaming is a tool to reach Gender democracy.
Gender Mainstreaming is developed by the international women´s movements
and Gender Democracy is developed by a group of open-minded men from Sweden.
There is no difference. Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Democracy are just
two different terms for the same thing.
9) Who created the term Gender Democracy?
10) What is a possible definition of Gender Democracy?
Gender Democracy means that women and men live in total harmony.
Gender Democracy is a normative term, which has as its political goal the
creation of democratic relations between woman and men.
Gender Democracy – as a visionary goal – means that gender identity
is not defined by the bipolarity of man/woman but rather by a potential multitude
of gender and sexual identities.
11) How is Women Empowerment (WE) and Gender Democracy (GD)related?
There is no relation. WE and GD are different approaches.
They are linked in a chronological perspective. It always starts with WE and
later GD can follow.
Women Empowerment is an important approach to reach Gender Democracy.
12) What could be the role of men in the concept of Gender Democracy?
If they are at the head of institutions and organizations they have to show
a strong political will to realize Gender Democracy.
They are important as fathers and care-takers.
Men in general have to become qualified and active towards Gender Democracy.