Michaela Moser, Austria/Österreich - ewec project coordinator
geb.1967 in Kufstein/A, feministische Ethikerin und Theologin und PR-Frau; Arbeitserfahrungen in Erwachsenenbildung, Frauenprojekten, Haushalt, Konferenzorganisation, Journalismus, Jugendarbeit, Projektkoordination und PR im Nonprofitbereich u. a.; derzeit Referentin für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Schuldnerberatungen Österreichs; langjährige Mitarbeit bei der Armutskonferenz und dem European Anti Poverty Network, sowie beim Österreichischen Frauenforum Feministische Theologie, Doktoratsstudium zum Thema "A Feminist Ethics of Fullness und Dissidence. New Perspectives on Women, Poverty and Social Inclusion" an der University of Wales, Lampeter/UK. Lebt in Wien/A.
born 1967 in Kufstein/A, studies in theology, ethics and public relations, work-experience in adult education, women's projects, household, conference organisation, journalism, youth-work, project managment and PR in the Social Profit Sector; currently employed as an information officer for the Austrian Consumer Debt Network; board member of the Austrian and the European Anti Poverty Network; doctoral studies with Dr. Mary Grey at the University of Wales ("A feminist Ethics of Fullness and Dissidence. New Perspectives on Women, Poverty and Social Inclusion") based in Vienna.
European Networking has become an important part of my life, encounters and exchanges with women from all over Europe (beyond the boarders of the European Union) have been enriching my life tremendously. The influence of European Union Politics on our lifes are increasing; women need to get together to discuss strategies and perspectives on how to transform Europe into a place that turns the promise of " a good life for all" into a reality!