Pre-Module 1
English Language Course
Improving one’s English as a basis for communication and participation in European interaction and discourse
Goals and background
Given the need of those who participate in the ewec pro-gramme to be able to commu-nicate, read and understand English to a sufficient level to be able to take advantage of the course modules to be followed, a preparatory language course will be offered.
The participants will, in theory, be required to already have a pre-intermediate level of English. If this is not the case, a commitment to reaching this level through their own means will be asked for. Participants will be level-tested to ensure that they have sufficient capacity in English, or the means and will to acquire it, prior to being accepted on the programme. They will then be offered the opportu-nity to attend a twelve-day language immersion course. This will take place in an English speaking location with all the facilities to offer such a course and the necessary accommodation.
• The four basic skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing.
• English grammar, including: tense structures, verb patterns, use of
prepositions …
• Vocabulary – familiarisation with the language, vocabulary and discourse
used in the course modules.
There will be two native speakers leading the course, and additional speakers. The participants will be expected to enter into the spirit of immersion, and to communicate in English at all times, even when in the company of people of their own language. There will be time to engage in leisure and cultural activities, all of which increase the participants’ exposure to the language.
After attending this course, it may be possible to have a language tutor
who can offer guidance and advice for the duration of the main ewec programme,
principally using online resources. This language tutor should be thought
of as a permanent figure, who can guide in terms of additional materials for
study when ne-cessary, and act as a general language consultant.
Pre-Module 2
project skills
Useful management tools for successful projects
Goals and Background
Certain managment and project skills are fundamental in order to strengthen women’s leadership qualities and ensure their suc-cessful participation in political processes on different levels in Europe.
During the choice Pre-module on Project Skills all participants will have
either to develop a project or continue to work on a project that they have
started to work on al-ready or improve or further deve-lop an existing project.
Participants will work in teams.
As a result of the module the teams will be able to present drafts for
• a project plan
• a fundraising concept (including budget, frundraising letters etc.)
• a PR concept (including press releases etc.)
for their project.
Some of the tools needed for this will also be provided on the internet to support them by doing this and give them further theoretical and practical insights (if needed).
• Project management
• Teamwork: models for a non-hierarchical structure in wo-men’s projects
– methods of teamwork
• Fundraising
• PR: communication, media work, lobbying
Throughout the seminar a mix of inputs and training exercises will be used.
• Theoretical background,
• best practices,
• methods of implementation (concepts, time tables),
• check lists,
• recommended literature
will be provided on all the subjects by women lecturers with ex-perience in
this field.
Using defined ‘mini-projects’ participants will have the op-portunity to
directly start imple-menting what they hear through inputs and in discussions.
As they will be working in small teams of two to three persons, the immediate
experiences of this team-work will be used as a starting point for the training
sessions on team work.